
PECASE  recognizes scientists and engineers who show exceptional potential for leadership, and is the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on early career scientists and engineers.
White House Emblem
  Claudia Parisuana, a PhD student in the HEDS division, was recognized in the "Science as Art" competition run by NERSC, the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center, as part of their 50th Anniversary celebrations. Scientists could submit animations or still images from datasets generated on NERSC's high-power computing clusters. Claudia won second prize in the "Best Visual Impact" category for Animations, with the work captioned Water droplet explosion induced...
Water Droplet Explosion Induced by an XFEL Pulse

Descamps was recognized for turning the world’s most powerful X-ray laser into a sophisticated tool for probing extremely hot, dense matter.

Adrien Descamps gives a presentation during the 2024 SSRL/LCLS Users' Meeting

Armin Bergermann from the University of Rostock, Germany, is awarded the Feodor Lynen Fellowship to work for 2 years as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford in HEDS.

Alexander von Humboldt Logo

As the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science continues to accelerate a clean-energy future that includes fusion technology, a total of US$49 million in funding for 19 projects was announced in Foundational Fusion Materials, Nuclear Science, and Technology programs. The purpose of the funding is to focus the national laboratory-based foundational and basic science research programs to better align and support the new Fusion Energy Sciences (FES) program vision.

DOE Office of Science Logo
This research advances our understanding of Earth's deep interior and exoplanets, opening new research avenues in Earth and planetary sciences.
X-rays unlock secrets of Earth's core-mantle boundary and super-Earth magma oceans
Jhonnatan Gama Vazquez won 1st place for his poster "Field-particle correlation analysis in PIC simulations of laser-matter interactions"  
Poster Symposium Winner Certificate
Shock experiments are widely used to understand the mechanical and electronic properties of matter under extreme conditions. Our results suggest that a significant portion of the total shock energy delivered by lasers becomes heat due to defect-facilitated plastic work.
JAP Scilight
The University of Rostock and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, both strong collaborators of SLAC's HEDS division, have signed an MOU to establish a new High Energy Density Institute, taking advantage of the current interest in fusion-relevant research.
Representatives of HZDR and the University of Rostock signed the MOU establishing a new HED Institute