Awards and Honors

American Physical Society

Frederico Fiuza and Anna Grassi - 2024 Landau Spitzer Award

For the critical advancement in the understanding of the particle acceleration physics in astrophysically-relevant shocks through theoretical analysis and experiments at the National Ignition Facility.

Fulbright Distinguished Scholar

Siegfried Glenzer - 2023 Fulbright Award

Distinguished scientist award for work on advancing plasma sciences

IDEAL Honor Roll


Ben Ofori-Okai - 2023 IDEAL Honor Roll for Staff



American Physical Society

Frederico Fiúza - 2018 Thomas H. Stix Award

for Outstanding Early Career Contributions to Plasma Physics Research

U.S. Department of Energy

Frederico Fiúza - 2016 Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) Leadership Computing Challenge

60,000,000 processor hours for his proposal Ab initio modeling of the dynamical stability of HED plasmas: from fusion

Department of Energy United States of America

Siegfried Glenzer - 2013 Ernest Orlando Lawrence Award 

for his work advancing fusion and plasma sciences

European Physical Society

Frederico Fiúza - 2013 European Physical Society Plasma Physics Division PhD Research Award

for his PhD thesis on Multi-scale PIC modeling of high energy density scenarios: from laboratory to astrophysics

Fundacao Calouste Gulbenkian

Paulo Alves - 2013 Gulbenkian Prize for Stimulus to Scientific Research

for the research proposal on Ab initio studies of nonlinear electromagnetic metamaterials and plasmonics

University of California, Davis

Luke Fletcher - 2007 Richard Snavely Memorial Award

Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung/Foundation

Siegfried Glenzer - 2004 Humboldt Award

"For his outstanding contributions to plasma and atomic physics at high densities and temperatures. The development of x-ray Compton and Thomson scattering experiments as a diagnostic tool has lead to an enormous progress in the understanding of the complex physical behavior of strongly correlated matter. These novel techniques are the basis for pioneering experiments on hot dense plasmas and for future experiments with the Free Electron Laser at DESY Hamburg."

American Physical Society

Siegfried Glenzer - 2003 John Dawson Award for Excellence in Plasma Physics

"For elegant diagnostics using collective Thomson scattering together with x-ray spectroscopy which greatly advanced the understanding of the complex plasma environment in laser driven hohlraums used in inertial confinement fusion."

American Physical Society

Siegfried Glenzer - 2001 APS Fellow 

For the development of Thomson Scattering for the diagnostics of high temperature inertial confinement fusion plasmas and for important contributions to understanding of plasma waves, atomic physics, and hydrodynamics of hot dense plasmas.